September 11, 2001- A Day to Remember

Today is the fifth anniversary of an event that shocked the world. An event so horrible that this date will be remembered for the rest of history. Five years ago today nineteen men set out to a destroy a nation, a nation that had allowed them into the borders, allowed them to rent houses, cars, and apartments, and allowed these nineteen men to take courses on driving planes. Many of these nineteen men were known terrorists, but that didn’t make a difference. We taught them the art of war, we taught it in a subtle manner, but in the end it lead to horrible event. Almost 3,000 men, women, and children were killed. These were not drones, these were people. People who had their own lives, loved ones, and friends. The horrible deeds of others put an abrupt end to many lives, lives that left family, friends, and goals uncompleted. Any of those people could have changed the world, but weren’t given a fair chance. The father, the mother, the husband, the wife, the son, the daughter, the uncle, the aunt, the nephew, the neice, the cousin, oh we could go on and on. All fell under the cruel hands of others who we ourselves had taught. Yet in the evil and destruction, we joined hands, lit candles, and sung hymns with others that we’re so different, but tied together by the horrible event.

The firefighters and police officers, the rescuers, and the brave individuals who tried to make a difference. Many of them we’re killed trying to bring others back. In our darkest hour, when the coldest wind was blowing we stood strong. We held our heads high, and waited, waiting for the calls that never came, waiting for the nightmare to be over, waiting for the sun to gleam high in the sky and things to be like they used to. Facts couldn’t be changed, but yet we gripped harder, and showed a love that had been hidden all this time, hidden deep somewhere waiting for a chance to shine. Who had known it would take something so hideous to bring out something so pure and wholesome. Our downfall was our uprising. As the darkness and the wind shook us harder we held our loved ones close, and prayed for the ones we couldn’t. Now we have changed things, worked to improve our government, stopped teaching others to hurt us, improved securities, and learned to love. There is hope for this nation, great hope, but nothing will ever be the same. Some of debris may be clear, but not on our hearts. The pain is as real and as heavy as ever. The pain will never be lifted, the debris on our hearts never swept, but maybe if we strive for peace, maybe we can prevent the rock of pain from shattering on a new generation of hope. So please remember those who have perished on this day, the people who were killed trying to escape, and the ones who died coming back to help the others. Please remember September 11, 2001. Whatever your religion, race, or views, please pray for peace in a world where the fighting just doesn’t seem to stop.

Thank you,



Filed under 9/11, America, History, In The News, Life, Peace, People, Politics, September 11th, Terrorism, War

2 responses to “September 11, 2001- A Day to Remember

  1. Hootie hoo

    Wow, that’s a really nice piece of writing…

    But I still refuse to pray.

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